Welcome to your Outbrain Profile

Your Outbrain Profile provides a comprehensive overview of data that Outbrain may process, the reasons behind the personalized ads you see, and how you can manage your data.

How can I exercise my data rights, including opting out or deleting my data?

We strive to be transparent with the users who interact with our services. Therefore, we give you complete control over the data we collect and use to serve ads and content that may be of interest to you. You can always exercise the following rights on the My Data Rights page, including:

  • Opting out from personalized ads
  • Accessing all the data Outbrain may hold about you
  • Deleting the data Outbrain may hold about you.

Click on the button “My Data Rights” to learn about your data subject rights and how to exercise them.

If you have further questions, please feel free to Contact Us